Pelosi showed why it is essential to keep the Senate in the hands of the GOP

What was Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s priority on her return to the swamp?

Make sure no one can be offended by the word ‘mother’ or ‘son’.

The new rules of the House of Representatives will delete all gender references. That does not mean ‘chairman’ or ‘chairman’ but also no ‘father’, ‘daughter’, ‘grandfather’, etc.

Chances are, you’ll get whiplash: Just two months ago, Democrats celebrated the first woman elected vice president. Now they tell us it doesn’t matter. We have elected a “she” just like every other person in Congress and the nation.

“There are millions of Americans who are suffering, our economy is suffering, vaccine distribution is lagging behind – and Nancy Pelosi and the House Democrats are concerned about this nonsense,” Elected Representative Nicole Malliotakis (R-SI) rightly said. “Here’s a gender-neutral word to describe this legislation: ridiculous.”

In some ways, Pelosi & Co. voters delighted in the run-up to Tuesday’s main elections in Georgia. It shows what lies ahead if the Republicans don’t maintain control of the Senate and give this nonsense some sort of control.
