Pedro Sola confused the new director of Channel 11 with a Jojutla adviser

Pedro Sola won the affection of public not only for his work in “Winding”, but also because he played in some sliding in programs or social networks for confusion.

On this occasion he committed a error in the social network Twitter al confuse to us Channel Director 11, Carlos Brito, cu regidor Of the municipality Jojutla, Morelos, who has the same name and surname.

@Britovsky congratulations, I don’t know you, but they named you director for something, congratulations, you need young people in key positions“Sola wrote on the afternoon of January 27.

Pedro Sola Windowing Confusion

Into the Answer from this message, satisfied politician congratulations to the communicator and took advantage of the tweet for cleanse that he was not appointed director of the public channel, although he pointed it out fanatical of Sola’s work.

Answer of the counselor from Jojutla he intrigued Pedrito and immediately asked who he was. So Carlos Brito explained his political position and what invited to visit Jojutla to “eat deliciously.”

Twitter Pedro Sola Carlos Brito

By invitation, Sola I’m asking if it was municipality located in the state Morelos, to which the councilor replied yes, “the strong southern area of ​​Morelos”.

Athe presenter from “Ventaneando” I just admit your mistake, sending congratulations to the councilor and announcing that he is already following him on twitter, an action that his followers they applaudedWell, the confusion was fun for them.

Pedrito slipping into confusion
