Paul Stanley dances “El Gallinazo” in a LIVE program and paralyzes the networks: VIDEO

What a moment of tension was experienced in the morning program of San Angel television, “Today“, After one of the most beloved conductors expressed his annoyance after being forced to dance to a controversial song.

As we know, the morning is driven by Andrea Legarreta, Galilea Montijo, Ral “Negro” Araiza, Lambda Garca, Marisol Gonzlez, Andrea Escalona, ​​Jorge “Burro” Van Rankin and Paul Stanley; one of them exploded on the transmission.

During one of the sections of the program, Paul Stanley expressed his disagreement after the production decided to put on the famous song to which it is danced. “Gallinazo “, who popularized his father and Mario Bezares.

To the surprise of many, the production put on the controversial song that sparked Paul Stanley’s anger, who immediately threw things out, all in a joking tone; your partner Ral “Black” Araiza he arrived at the place and removed his partner.

The funny video gave something to talk about, as some netizens said it was a bad joke, and others pointed out that the actor took it with the best humor.

During the section Paul Stalker The driver dressed like a hen to show his best moves with this contagious song that reminds us of his father, so immediately Internet users They reacted to this with some messages of support and others criticizing him.

Here are the controversial images:
