Paul Stanley confesses that his ex-girlfriend beat him

Paul Stanley He confessed that his ex-girlfriend physically assaulted him. Hoy’s host admitted that his relationship with that person was not healthy because he could afford to be treated badly.

“When you shoot a person, it’s the worst thing that can happen to you, it’s beautiful, but you forgive everything, I can treat you like a dog, you get fooled”, declared in the “Members to the Air” program.

Rocío Sánchez Azuara he was invited to the Unicable show and couldn’t help but ask his colleagues for details, even wondering if the woman had kicked him.

Paul Stanley Bangs Ex-Girlfriend

Before the presenter’s doubt, Paul Stanley clarified that he did not receive that type of blows, but he received another type.

“I can’t say much (…) they didn’t hit me exactly, but it existed aggression, because they also attack men, they hit us too “, exposed the.

To change the tone of the conversation and resume humor characterizing him, the 35-year-old actor also joked that there are ways to lose respect that are “tastier”, for example, intimacy.

Currently, Paul Stanley has a love affair with the model Joely Bernatus, which he boasts on social networks. At the end of December 2020, the celebrity revealed that in this 2021 he could decide and propose it marriage while discussing the issue with the late producer Magda Rodriguez, who wanted to help organize the wedding.

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