Pamela Sued is suffering from side effects from the J&J coronavirus vaccine

Communicator Pamela Sued said she has side effects from the Johnson & Johnson coronavirus vaccine, which was administered during her recent trip to the United States.

Through her social networks, the presenter of “Pamela todo un show” indicated that she was feeling a little bad and understands that this is due to the side effects of the vaccine, but that medical examinations will be carried out to be sure.

“Thanks to all who have written to me about my health. I am telling you that on my recent trip to the US I was able to get vaccinated and so far I understand I have the side effects of the vaccine. Today (yesterday Tuesday) I am going to do medical examinations. In the hope that everything goes well, ” the communicator wrote on her Instagram account.

As to which of all the vaccines was used, Pamela replied to a follower that it was the “J&J”.

Last weekend, Sued traveled to Miami, where he took the opportunity to get vaccinated.

It is recalled that the United States government on Tuesday recommended that states suspend application of the J&J vaccine, while authorities are investigating six cases of thrombi, including one death, among the more than 6.8 million Americans who have used the vaccine so far.
