Oswaldo Sánchez threw Pollo Briseño because of failures against America

Mexico City /

The dance he put on America A Chivas to National classic made Oswaldo Sanchez, today a TUDN analyst, will explode against Antonio “el Pollo” Briseño, who was criticized for opening his mouth during the week and not supporting him on the field.

After Henry Martín scored the second goal, exporter Atlas, América, Chivas, Santos and the national team attacked directly against the defender, who during the week indicated that The Sacred Flock is the largest club from Mexico, besides Eagles have no identity.

To declare those who have qualityNot those who want to attract attention in the media “, said Sánchez, particularly disturbed by the display that the defender gave to the azulcrema team.

A bad night in Briseño

In the second goal, Briseño lost Martín’s mark who finished completely only to increase the advantage.

Earlier, in the first half, the defender was saved from expulsion, after putting an iron on Martín himself.
