Orbelín Pineda responds to criticism from social networks: “don’t say mom …”

A La Maquina fan asked Orbelín Pineda about his performance against Chivas and the heavenly element answered

Cruz Azul midfielder and national team, Orbelín Pineda, answered in Twitter to the criticisms of a user who insinuated that tonight against Chivas he did not show his best level due to its rojiblanco past.

“My orbelín today went out to play with Chivas’ shirt. It was known 😞 ”, posted on Twitter the user @DiamondRuelas, after which the celestial player answered openly.

“Don’t say mother … comrade 😞”, Pineda wrote on his Twitter @ orbelin90, despite the fact that the original tweet did not “captivate” him.

Appeared in the basic forces of the Querétaro club, Orbelín Pineda was bought by Cruz Azul in December 2018 for a figure close to 12 million dollars and at this point Guard1anes 2021 had one of its best tournaments, which attracted the attention of Guadalajara, which explored the possibility of redeeming it, according to sources consulted by ESPNWhile the 25-year-old did not renew his contract with La Maquina in search of fulfilling the European dream.
