Only one can go to receive passengers

Vehicles traveling on Route 66 to Las Américas International Airport will be inspected and checked by National Police patrols to ensure that it is occupied by only one person to receive family members arriving in the country as part of the new health measures taken. by the Ministry of Public Health to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

With the new preventive measures, public health authorities intend to tighten sanitary controls at airports where in recent days there have been complaints about the number of people gathered in the waiting area of ​​passengers, without wearing masks and without keeping their distance Socially.

On Thursday, strict compliance with the measure was observed, which allows only one person to receive his or her relative from abroad in the arrival area. With this measure, the authorities are trying to avoid a further increase with the Covid-19 virus which significantly affects the national population.

In order to comply with the measures, the sanitary authorities established in the terminal staff of the National Police, the Tourist Security Corps CESTUR, the security of the Dominican Airports XXI Aerodom company and CESAC
