Olimpia wants to renew Pedro Troglio for a few years. “Let’s hope we’ve had it for a while.”

Contract renewal Pedro Troglio It is one of the issues that remain on the agenda of Olimpia’s directors and so far it is confirmed that there have already been approaches.

You can also read: Pedro Troglio’s plan if he renews with Olimpia: “I’m considering bringing his wife and two small children”

Francisco Saybe, the meringue manager, spoke with TEN and assured that the good relationship that exists with DT could facilitate negotiations for its continuity.

“The teacher feels very comfortable here, we feel happy with him and he has a relationship with the group, the players and Olympism itself, which is very good, not only for Olimpia, but also for the country, it adds to our football.”

And he added: “Whenever there is a relationship like this, both sides are looking to prolong things and first, Lord, we can believe that we will have Pedro Troglio for a while.”

Saybe assured that there have already been some discussions, but he is still waiting for a better time to define this issue once and for all.

“We are both aware that there is a precise moment for everything and right now it remains to work, to look for this new challenge that comes in the top of the championship, the match with America. It will be time to sit down. and we both know that the doors of dialogue are open and if there is an agreement on both sides to achieve something ”.

Pedro Troglio came to reduce the drought of over three years that Olimpia had of not winning a title in the National League and in his term they have already added a championship twice.

“Football is about moments and there are moments that you have to take advantage of to get or reap triumphs. I think we live what has been reaped, since Osman Madrid decided to bring players like Edwin (Rodríguez), Pinto and reached the end with the Professor he came to close the respective cycle with players who consider themselves veterans and there are moments when we say that Carlitos, Jorge Álvarez is not there, it is a garbage that has been consolidated ”.
