Nintendo Switch “Year in Review” reveals the most played games of 2020

Nintendo now allows Switch users to look back at the “Year in Review.” This feature breaks down the time players spent with the console in 2020 in detail. How to access this program for you, assuming you want to do so, is also quite simple.

Created on the official Nintendo Switch website, a new webpage allows users to log in to see their full game time statistics for 2020. To take advantage of this service, all you have to do is log in to your Nintendo account on the site. From here, Nintendo will customize your own page, which is full of the games you have played most frequently in the last 12 months.

This year’s revised function breaks down your game time by hours, but also displays your stats compared to 2019, assuming you may have owned a Switch last year. It also highlights the total number of games you’ve played on Switch throughout 2020, which is fairly new. Along with that, it even includes a breakdown of the number of hours you spent with the Switch each month, so you can know how active you’ve been throughout the year.

Finally, Year in Review also highlights the games you spent the most time with. For many, I imagine that Animal Crossing: New Horizons it will prove to be a major waste of time, but everyone’s list will obviously vary. Personally speaking, Hades it’s become my most played Switch game of the year, which makes me feel perfect.

These year-end closures are something most console makers tend to do, but Nintendo is the first to push one in 2020. PlayStation and Xbox will have their own iterations of this service that will be released in the coming weeks. When this transpires, we’ll let you know here on

So how did 2020 come to look for you on the Nintendo Switch? What games did you spend the most time with? Take me on Twitter at @ MooreMan12 or send me a message in the comments below to continue the conversation.
