Netanyahu tries Ave Maria on the settlements before Biden’s inauguration

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tried to execute a “Hail Mary” decision to legalize dozens of illegal illegal settlements deep in the West Bank the day before Biden’s inauguration. He stung.

Why does it matter: The mass legalization of outposts would have been an extremely challenging step, broadening Israeli control over West Bank land and further reducing the chances of a future peace agreement with the Palestinians.

Background: Trump has dramatically changed US policy toward Israeli settlements in the West Bank, giving them new legitimacy and giving Israel a free hand over settlement.

  • The Biden administration is expected to return to the traditional US policy of treating settlements as illegitimate and objecting to further construction.

News management: In recent weeks, Netanyahu has tried to put in place several settlement plans before Biden takes office, knowing it will be more difficult or even impossible later.

  • Earlier this week, Netanyahu pressured Defense Minister Benny Gantz to agree to a cabinet-level decision to legalize five outposts and lay the groundwork for legalizing another 40.
  • The outposts in question are deep in the West Bank. Some are located in isolated areas in an attempt to prevent Palestinian territorial contiguity.
  • The settlers’ lobby has been lobbying Netanyahu in recent weeks to legalize outposts and lobbying his cabinet ministers.

Netanyahu resisted the pressure for a while, but reversed course as part of its efforts to secure the support of the settlers’ lobby ahead of the March elections.

  • Israel’s justice ministry has opposed the move, saying Netanyahu’s interim government is not allowed to make dramatic decisions before the election.
  • The Foreign Ministry objected, arguing that the move would be seen as a provocative and defiant move 24 hours before Biden’s inauguration and would create tensions with the new US administration.
  • Up to an hour before Tuesday’s cabinet meeting, Netanyahu is pressuring Gantz to agree. Gantz refused and thwarted what he called an “irresponsible” move.

Not worth anything: Last week, the Israeli government approved plans for 800 new housing units in West Bank settlements – half of them in isolated settlements in the depths of the West Bank.

  • On Tuesday night, the Israeli land authority began selling land for the construction of 2,600 new homes in settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

What to look for: In the coming days, the Biden administration will have to articulate its new policy on Israeli settlements. This could renew tensions with the Israeli government.
