Nashville bomber Anthony Warner hunted aliens, believed in ‘lizard people’: report

Authorities are investigating evidence that Nashville RV bomber Anthony Quinn Warner spent time hunting aliens and was interested in “lizard people,” ABC News reported.

Law enforcement sources told the outlet that investigators found some of Warner’s writings with rambles about various conspiracy theories.

Some of the notes reportedly dealt with the lizard or the reptile conspiracy – the idea that shape-shifting lizard creatures are taking on human form in an attempt at world domination.

Authorities believe the 63-year-old loner also spent time searching for alien life forms in a nearby state park, the outlet reported.

It is unclear whether any of these beliefs or behaviors are in any way related to the Christmas morning suicide attack.

Researchers are also reportedly investigating whether Warner, a local IT expert, was motivated to target an AT&T building because of fears of 5G cellular technology and his paranoid suspicions that it is killing people and being used to To spy on Americans.

The explosion significantly impaired cell service in Tennessee and the South.

It was preceded by an audio recording of the RV urging locals to evacuate the area, suggesting to investigators that his motive was destruction, but not death.

Warner is also said to have thought the suicide attack would result in him being revered as a ‘hero’.
