MX League: Chivas will fail in Clause 2021; The opening of 2020 was a terrible “mirage”

Chivas do not generate confidence in the next semester. What it causes is the feeling of being a team full of doubts and unknowns that, until proven otherwise, will clarify that Opening of 2020 it was the exception, a mirage far from the continuity that a club of its identity must have every six months.

The team led by Vucetich, beyond the value judgments that could be in the previous one, closed the championship well. It was an orderly team, with clear ideas and always resorted to inferiority to compete and get results.

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However, due to the competitive format, it always gave the impression that Guadalajara managed to get through just by chance and without pleasant feelings in the game, especially due to the way they defeated Rayados de Monterrey in the last days, where it was deposited 80 minutes. and a help from VAR, plus a recovery goal, gave him that result that filled them with confidence to enter the playoffs.

With Necaxa, the team never dominated at will. Yes, he deserved to win, he was the controller of the game and he did more to be in the big party, but he did not crush his rival clearly with an excessively brilliant football.

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However, the order, the pragmatism of their coach and an always superimposed environment, allowed Guadalajara to reach the Liguilla without much trouble. Already there he eliminated America rightly and fought until the end against a León that did not need too many goals to eliminate them.

He Closing of 2021 It is the real test to know if Chivas de Vucetich will have continuity, will be able to have a certain regularity and a certain degree of excellence in results to always be among the top eight.

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Keeping certain players, following the same scheme and maintaining the same defensive solidity, will be key points for a herd that knows that it is inferior to several Mexican football teams and clarifies that the last tournament was not something specific, but a reality that will help you. keep a certain consistency in your game and get results.

Anyway, this is in the hands of Chivas and nothing else … but in the meantime, let me doubt a team that offers many excuses, but few answers in the game and that live under the motto: “we are pure Mexicans”, Old reliable, as they say.

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