Muslim civil rights group calls for Microsoft, Sony and Valve to degrade in Fallujah for six days

The illustration in the article entitled Muslim Civil Rights Group calls for Microsoft, Sony and Valve to degrade in Fallujah for six days

Picture: Victura / Kotak

Calling the controversial first-person shooter aimed at recreating the events of the second battle of Fallujah, an “Arab crime simulator,” the Muslim civil rights and advocacy group CAIR, Council for American-Islamic Relations, requires Microsoft, Sony and Valve to avoid hosting or sharing Six days in Fallujah.

No matter how highwire Games developer and publisher Victura try to spin it, Six days in Fallujah it’s incredibly problematic. The Future Game is a first-person tactical shooter that recreates real-world events from the second battle of Fallujah in late 2004. Players are cast as American sailors in an operation that is said to be the bloodiest battle of the war. from Iraq. Although the developers have said that their intention is to represent all parties to the conflict, how do you make a video game like this without glorifying the US war machine? Or do you create an interactive experience based on modern real-world events, in which enemies are primarily of a certain nationality or religion, without blaming them, spreading fear and hatred? These are some of the problems that led to Six days in Fallujah being canceled in 2009. These concerns are as valid now as they were then.

CAIR issued a Press release yesterday, condemning the future game for glorifying violence, took the lives of more than 800 Iraqi citizens.

“We call on Microsoft, Sony and Valve to ban their platforms from hosting Six days in Fallujah, an Arab crime simulator that will only normalize violence against Muslims in America and around the world, “Huzaifa Shahbaz, CAIR’s research and advocacy coordinator, wrote in a statement.” The gaming industry must stop dehumanizing Muslims. Video games like Six days in Fallujah they only serve to glorify the violence that has claimed the lives of hundreds of Iraqi civilians, justified the Iraq war, and strengthened anti-Muslim sentiment at a time when anti-Muslim fanaticism continues to threaten human life. ”

The illustration in the article entitled Muslim Civil Rights Group calls for Microsoft, Sony and Valve to degrade in Fallujah for six days

Picture: TO FALL

A lot of people have questioned the developer’s and publisher’s plans to revive the game, but if they are determined to move forward, maybe not selling it on the PlayStation Store, Xbox Marketplace or Steam is a step in the right direction.
