Multiple Newborn US Citizens Without Birth Certificate To Mexico: Report

Nearly a dozen migrant women with newborns were sent back to Mexican border towns in the past year without a birth certificate for their U.S.-born children, according to findings of a survey published Friday by the Fuller Project and The Guardian.

Among former President TrumpDonald Trump GOP Senator Warns His Party Must Choose Between ‘Conservatism and Madness’ Pompeo Rebukes Biden’s New Foreign Policy Here Are The 11 Republicans Who Voted To Remove Greene From House Committees MOREgovernment, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued Title 42 in March as part of the government’s emergency response to the coronavirus pandemic. The order states that Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officials may force migrants entering the US illegally across the southern border without giving them an opportunity to seek asylum or protection.

Friday’s investigation, which included multiple interviews with immigration attorneys, hospital records and legal documents, found that since the policy was implemented, at least 11 migrant women had been sent to Mexican cities by CBP officials just days after giving birth in the US.

A woman, a 23-year-old from Haiti, was nine months pregnant when she arrived in the US in July. Border guards took her to a hospital in California when her water broke.

According to The Guardian, she was then returned to Mexico after discharge from the hospital, without the birth certificate of her newborn daughter.

The incident was just one of nearly 200,000 title 42 expulsions recorded by CBP in the 2020 financial year.

A CBP spokesperson told the Fuller Project and The Guardian that the agency does not specifically track the number of women with newborns from U.S. citizens who have been deported under Title 42.

“By policy, the CBP does not comment on individual cases for privacy reasons,” the spokesperson said, adding, “Hospitals are responsible for providing birth certificates and the CBP does not prevent individuals, regardless of immigration status, from obtaining birth certificates for U.S. citizen. children. “

The CBP news agency did not immediately respond to The Hill’s request for comment.

President Biden in a Tuesday executive order the CDC and the Department of Homeland Security have pledged to “review immediately” Title 42, along with other Trump administration policies to curb immigration.

The United States is also a country with borders and with laws to enforce, ” the order states, while also recognizing the need for improved ‘legal migration routes to this country’ and to ‘restore and strengthen our own asylum system. “Die Biden argues” has been badly damaged by policies introduced over the past 4 years that violate our values ​​and have caused unnecessary human suffering. ”
