Ms Sri Lanka: A former winner breaks his successor’s crown

Zafarrancho in the middle of the beauty contest! contest Mrs. Sri Lanka which took place at the Nelum Pokuna Theater Mahinda Rajapaksa recorded a drawing never seen before and was recorded for posterity. It seems that Pushpika Da Silva she was the winner of the event and, with a bouquet of flowers in one hand, blew kisses to all the audience who voted for her.

However, everything changed when Caroline Jurie, which won the contest in 2019, cut off programming to claim that Pushpika was divorced and that the contest should not allow this. “There is a rule that everyone should be married and not divorced,” she said, and immediately afterwards. he broke his successor’s crown to dress the competitor who won second place.

According to reports, Caroline had difficulty removing the crown with which she won, as it was a piece made of 3,000 blue and green cubic zirconia and topaz stones. To date, this video released by Gazeta Colombo has over 2 million views.

The Washington Post reported that a statement sent by Ms. Sri Lanka World said the organization was “deeply disturbed” by the “unfortunate” incident and condemned Jurie’s attitude, in addition, they confirmed that Da Silva was the true queen of. beauty, because the organization requires beauty contestants to be married.

In turn, Da Silva will take legal action and will not be divorced. “The queen is not a woman to snatch another woman’s crown, but a woman to secretly place another woman’s crown!”

Sri Lanka, formerly Ceylon, is a nation south of India, located in the Indian Ocean. Its landscapes range from rainforests and arid plains to plateaus and sandy beaches.
