Mortal Kombat, Space Jam 2 Clips revealed in HBO Max 2021 Tease

Mortal Kombat's (Joe Talsim) sub-Zero makes either an ice blade or a very wide sno-con.

Mortal Kombat’s (Joe Talsim) sub-Zero makes either an ice blade or a very wide sno-con.
Image: Warner Bros.

HBO Max just offered a tasty set of video assortments with new looks for Warner Bros. movies. starting this year on the streaming service and you will want to have a taste. Apart from amuse-bouches from The Suicide Team and Space Jam continued, contains some pretty juicy pictures of The deadly beating restart. Just don’t eat Matrix 4 logo – it’s just the garnish.

Since the video is also full of movie clips that you probably don’t care about, but in terms of the goodness of the future genre Here are the new things to look out for:

The deadly beatingSub-Zero (Joe Taslim) demonstrates his powers to make ice,

• A Lebron James and Bugs Bunny worried together on the baseball field, Lebron looked curious as CG-Animated Bugs,

• Patrick Wislon on the phone for The Conjuring: The devil made me do it,

The Suicide TeamPeacemaker (John Cena) philosophizes with Bloodsport (Idris Elba),

• Complete logo, amazingly wonderful for the next one Matrix shoot right at the end, assuming I’m super in both matrix and movie logos.

While it would have been nice to get a little Matrix 4 pictures there – filming for a while and you don’t need state-of-the-art CG animation to shoot Keanu Reeves in sunglasses and black leather trench coat for five seconds – everything looks pretty clear! And since these movies are released simultaneously on Max, they are the closest things we have to bet for sure when it comes to movie releases this year … for now.

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