Monster Hunter food recreated in real life looks delicious

Sure, hunting monsters are cool and all. But I think the best part of Monster hunter games are good food. Like the great “Chef’s Choice Platter” from Monster Hunter World, which was recently recreated by the YouTube channel Binging With Babish.

It should be noted that I have never played one Monster hunter game. So my only real experience with the series is the screenshots with the food on Twitter, this video and the only time I played Monster Hunter World beta / demo for 10 minutes and never returned. But I still like meals!

Tracking all of these things together shows how much it really comes down to the cooking fittings you see in the game. Imagine if you had to wait real time for the cats to put all this together. Again, a game where you wait for people to cook for you sounds nice. Or maybe I just went crazy after not eating in a restaurant for over a year because of covid-19.

However, if you want to do this yourself, here’s my advice: Don’t do it. But if some of this huge table looks good, here’s a handy link to a text version from the same table, each part of which has its own separate instructions.

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