Mijares and the anecdote of the song he recorded with his daughter, Lucerito

Things couldn’t be better for Mijares, who, along with his resounding success in music, was fortunate to share a few recordings with his daughter, Lucerito, who showed that, like his famous parents, he inherited the artistic vein. And, although it is not a formal release as a singer, the young woman impressed the audience with her vocal talent, recently with the interpretation of the song entitled I Universe, which has a very special meaning for the family and which is included in the singer’s new Christmas album The soldier of love. Let’s also remember that a few days ago the father and daughter released the video for this song, which in such a short time became the audience’s favorite.

Mijares and his daughter LuceritoSEE GALLERY


Most honestly, Mijares confessed the importance that the celebration of this special period of the year assumed in his life, in which today he was lucky to be inspired by the presentation of this album that fully motivates him. “It brings back many memories from many years of your life, from when you were a child, gifts, family atmosphere, being with people you suddenly do not see all year, together and a lot of joy …”, he said in an interview for the television program Today, a space where he was proud to fulfill his dreams one by one, as well as to make his loved ones participate throughout the process.

Mijares, fully moved, did not forget to emphasize how important it was for him to make this collaboration with his daughter, because he admits that behind the problem I Universe, original of the singer-songwriter Jesús Adrián Romero, there is a story so beloved both by him and by his ex-wife Lucero, with whom today he maintains a friendship that is nourished by these beautiful memories. “It’s a song I sang to Lucerito … Lucero and I sang it to him in his first communion …He said, and then shared an anecdote from that day that marked him forever. “He didn’t even come back to see (Lucerito) and it was better not to come back to see us. Because I don’t know what’s going on, but this girl makes me feel a lump in my throat, but I like that she accompanies me on my records …“He revealed, visibly moved, by sharing this episode in his personal life.

Mijares and his daughter LuceritoSEE GALLERY

A new achievement for Mijares and Lucerito

For now, both Mijares and Lucerito have another great reason to celebrate, because the video Mi Universo was the sensation of all their followers, so much so that even last December 15, the singer shared good news. “AAAAAA! Thank you all for your support #FelizNavidad for the whole #MiUniverso issue We’ve already exceeded 3 million views! Bravo “, he wrote with great emotion in a short fragment of the video.

Let us remember that the one who did not take long to express his emotion was nothing more and nothing less than Lucero, who is very proud to witness the growth of his first born as a whole woman passionate about the art of music, although the several times preferred to stay away from the spotlight. “I like to see her smile and that light she has in her eyes when she sings, I was fascinated to see her singing with Manuel, with her father in this beautiful song. I am so happy to see Lucero Mijares, my daughter, my light singing and doing what she likes, in a still unprofessional way, I always repeat it, I don’t know if one day it will be released … ”, she said in a few days past in an interview with Today.

Mijares and his daughter LuceritoSEE GALLERY
