Miguel Herrera starts a millionaire lawsuit against America for firing him Innocents Day

After America club terminated his contract, which was still three and a half years old, Miguel Ernesto Herrera decided to initiate a millionaire trial to the Great, so as to pay him the whole of the same …

Upset by the drastic decision of the directive and upset because they did not give him too many explanations to dismiss him, El Piojo is not satisfied with the liquidation granted plus the promised bonuses and some additional amounts by Televisa.

The meeting in one of Nido de Coapa’s offices where the sad decision of the World Cup strategist was communicated was made by the protagonist himself, the president of the sport Santiago Banos and right-hander Joaquín Balcárcel, former vice president of the company that commands Ame and current member of the executive staff.

Former Atlantean and Tijuana demand reaches five million dollars approximately and, if the azulcrems do not give it, he threatens to reach the last consequences in the courts. As if that weren’t enough, he is asking Capital to take over the financial sanctions imposed by Concacaf for its scandal against Los Angeles FC. in the elimination in the semifinals Concachampions.

Easy, lice!

* If this news seems hard to believe it is because it is actually a joke for the Day of the Innocent Saints. Innocent popcorn in which you get fooled!
