Miguel Herrera looking for an ambitious project; I don’t want a break

Despite the fact that it lasted almost a decade without stopping, Miguel Herrera He doesn’t want to take a vacation, at least not from football. His departure from America, which has generated a lot of discussion about forms, is not an obstacle or an excuse for Louse. He says to himself, “I will rest until I die.”

The helmsman assures that he has already received calls to direct, but he aspires to a serious project, in which he can establish his mark, communicate with the team and aspire to grow.

“Let’s wait for something to come out. It is time to rethink, to find a proposal and, for the time being, I will continue to prepare. It is not necessary to make hasty decisions, but to analyze well what we want “, he indicates Herrera, by telephone.

With offers in Asia, the Mexican coach is interested in something in which he can identify and feel comfortable. He has no preference, he can be a club or a national team. In almost 20 years of career in banking, Miguel he led six teams and only one Selection, the Mexican.

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You can enjoy any of the options, with its advantages and challenges. “In one, you know the player every day, with a team of 25 players and that’s it. While you are leading a team, you have to make good choices and work with them in a limited time “, he explains. “Then, as soon as the offer arrives, the project will be analyzed in due time.”

The 52-year-old strategist ensures that innovative ideas and strategies for the future remain current. In your profession, it is very important not to miss a pace and to find ways to keep up with a winning pace.

“Technology is very important to update yourself, because – if not – you are forgotten. I know pretty well. As long as I continue in this profession, it is because we give results “, he says.

These days, Herrera You will focus on studying your recent work, doing a self-review, and seeing where you can improve, what you have done right and wrong. “I will enjoy the family, calm down. I know that something will come and, if it is good for both parties, we will decide whether to take it or not “, he concludes.
