Migrants are looking for new routes to cross the border in southern Mexico

Mexico City.

Migrants who want to reach U.S they cross the Mexico’s southern border from new little-used points such as the Grijalva River, on the border of the state of Tabasco with Guatemala, dI add this Tuesday to the head of the National Institute of Migration (INM), Francisco Garduño.

For the panorama migratorythe federal official announced that the Secretary of the Navy will conduct an operation watch the riverbank from the Grijalba River.

“You have to go to the Ceibo-Tenosique (on the border of Tabasco with GuatemalaMany already pass by with boats migrants at the river Grijalva. They have taken a different route, It is no longer the route of Hidalgo CityHe said in reference to the usual route that is to get through río Suchiate and reach the southeastern state Chiapas.

Garduño was in Villahermosa, the capital Tabasco, for him to mark and presentation ceremony of the groups trained for the border Patrol and the humanitarian rescue.

Francisco Garduño assured that the border closure for non-essential activities will be peaceful, with strict respect for human rights migrants, by means of a “controlled and safe containment plan”.

He assured that the federal government will focus its strategy on attacking migrant caravan networks that take advantage of the families What are they looking for fulfill the American dream.

“What we have to attack are those networks that call caravans (…) They use them to spend (without papers), between 100 and 150, for a maximum price $ 4,500 “, manifested.

Garduño confirmed that from January to now, 31,496 people that are irregular in the country.

The INM official justified the presence of the federal troops on the southern border to combat human trafficking and drug trafficking, among other crimes.

“We apply the law of atowards controlled migration, safe and containment. Because they use kids like passport for adult migrants transit in our country to the U.S”, finished.

See: The first images of migrants crammed into Texas detention centers have been released

The region is experiencing a powerful wave of migration to U.S since Joe Biden at the White House at the end of January, US authorities arrested 100,441 undocumented in February, compared to 78,442 in the first month of the year.

For the first time and after a year pandemic, Mexico last week announced ground control for non-essential activities in its Frontera on, claim that the spread of the coronavirus should be controlled.

Last Monday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mexico and the INM also strengthened and improved the pmigratory protocols at Mexico City International Airport, after several issues recently reported by foreigners passing through the air terminal’s immigration filters. EFE
