Microbiologists say that it is not really necessary to constantly disinfect surfaces

At the beginning of the pandemic, disinfectant wipes were a coveted and hard-to-find object.

Now, finally, he is heading to the store shelves. But how much do we really need to disinfect surfaces?

Microbiologists say that coronavirus does not usually survive on surfaces.

“In fact, you go to hospitals where they treat patients with COVID-19 and check the surfaces and there is no infectious virus, none,” said Dr. Emanuel Goldman, a professor of microbiology at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School.

Whenever a coronavirus is found on a surface, it is usually RNA. Think of it as the corpse or skeleton of the virus. It usually means that the virus is no longer there and you are unlikely to become infected by touching that surface.

Goldman says that because of this, it is not really necessary to constantly disinfect surfaces. Instead, we should focus on other preventative measures, such as hygiene.

“Really all you have to do is wash your hands, because even if you happen to touch something, it won’t go through your skin. You wash your hands and you’re done with it, “Goldman said.

Goldman reminds people to remember the three W’s – wear a mask, keep your distance and wash your hands.
