Michelle Salas returned to Mexico to celebrate Christmas with Las Pinal

After last October Michelle Salas will visit Mexican countries to be with his great-grandmother, the first actress Silvia Pinal, the model and the influencer returned to our country to spend the holidays with her famous family.

Through her social networks, the socialite shared a series of stories in which it was possible to observe how much fun she had with almost the whole family and that the night was full of Risas and dances that his mother joined Stephanie Salas, her grandmother Sylvia Pasquel and her aunt Alejandra Guzman.

But Michelle not only boasted of the moments with the youngest of the Pinal dynasty, but she posed several times with her great-grandmother, to whom she consented and even dedicated a “I love you” on social networks. . In these images, Doña Silvia appears very smiling, enjoying most of her loved ones, as she had anticipated a few days ago.

Michelle Salas family

And the fact is that the first actress had already anticipated that she would spend Christmas surrounded by her family, but, although she could not all be there, this did not darken her happiness.

The Pinal family

“I will spend it at home. We make romeritos, cod and bread. Vin Alejandra, Luis Enrique, Stephanie, Silvita, oh! and my Apollo which is still so small, but the baby is precious ”, he said in an interview for the Ventaneando program.

Michelle Salas and Silvia Pinal
