Mexico is trying to put the Mérida initiative aside

The government will try to reconsider it safety with the United States and disappear Merida Initiative, which he regards as a one-way mechanism for the drug trafficking and the organized crime. In addition, it will review and order the 20 countries that have accredited security agents in Mexican territory.

What the Mexican authority is looking for is a cooperative mechanism with the United States to combat organized crime, but let it be bilateral.

To the United States government, who will lead Joe Biden From January 20, a combat project will be presented to the insecurity, but with the needs of Mexico

The point, diplomatic sources pointed out, is to find a new paradigm of cooperation with that country that is truly a respect tool mutually, to solve common problems.

Also read: US-Mexico Security: Rethinking Collaboration


In addition, they want to establish a new mode of action with the 20 countries that have accredited personnel in Mexico security work. Those countries include the United States, France, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Germany, Spain, and Israel.

According to sources, the Mexican authorities are trying to bring order to the agents foreign located on national territory and performing functions inherent to security.

It is not a matter of forbidding the presence of these officials, who are conducting investigative work in the fight against organized crime, but rather of ordering the scheme under which they are carried out.

There are cases, the sources explained, in which diplomatic missions They do not report the functions performed by their agents. Therefore, the Mexican authority tries to review all files to determine who falls under the definition of “foreign agent”.

Also read: Guidelines for regulating foreign agents in Mexico are published in DOF

For example, the United States has agents in Mexico who belong to different agencies, such as the to give and the FBI.

According to the US Embassy in Mexico page, the DEA (Drug Control Administration) has at least regional offices in Mexico City, Monterrey, Guadalajara, Mazatlán, Hermosillo and Mérida.

Yesterday the federal administration published the guidelines for regulating the relationship in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF) public servers with foreign agents.

It is common ground that the embassies must report on the events that could have a significant impact on life in the country, threatening the national security or referring to alleged criminal conduct by government officials or former Mexican officials.

In addition, local servers must report any information exchange with foreign agents, for which they have up to three days after making the contact.

Also read: Why does the explicit reform of the Mexican security law challenge the US?

The embassies of the countries that have agents in Mexico must provide a monthly report on the agreements bilateral cooperation in terms of security, with the confidentiality that matches.

Last November, the Mexican government was surprised by the announcement by the US authority over the arrest of the former Secretary of Defense, Salvador Cienfuegos.

The former federal official – who held the position of former President Enrique Peña Nieto’s government – was arrested and charged with drug trafficking on arrival at the Los Angeles, California airport.

Then the president Andrés Manuel López Obrador He lashed out at foreign agents working in Mexico.

Immediately began the reform of the “cooking” National Security Act, on the accreditation of foreign agents in Mexico.

Also read: National Security Act, to regulate the presence of foreign agents: AMLO

The legislation was immediately reached, but it led to the then Attorney General of the United States, William Barr, stated that it only benefits criminal organizations, in addition to a setback in security coordination between the two countries.

Last December, the US authority decided to drop charges against General Cienfuegos and turn him over to Mexican authorities, who began an investigation that ended yesterday with the conclusion that General Cienfuegos has no affiliation with drug trafficking.

Yesterday, the still US ambassador to Mexico, Christopher Landau, stated that Washington was quite disappointed with the changes to the national security law in Mexico, especially as there was no coordination between the two countries.

Also read: Reforms to Mexican security law will benefit criminals, Prosecutor Barr said

The question of coordination, he added, is an important situation, especially when it comes to security. “Mexico is not doing the United States a favor and the United States is not doing Mexico a favor, they are important coordination issues.

“For the Cienfuegos case, the answer cannot be that cooperation is jeopardized. It is clear that Mexico is a sovereign country and enacts its laws, but both must have the same goal: to end organized crime, ”Landau said.
