Mexico and the United States are expanding border restrictions

Mexico City

The restrictions on crossing the border between Mexico and the United States Will remain on land as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic until May 21 in those northern states of the country that are located in orange and red color, the federal government’s epidemiological traffic light said, reported the Minister of Foreign Relations (SRE).

“Mexico’s restrictions on non-essential land crossings from the United States will continue until 11:59 pm on May 21, 2021 in the country’s northern states that are colored orange and red according to the epidemiological traffic light,” he shared in your account via Twitter.

Likewise, the agency indicated that Mexico is in talks with the United States authorities make border crossing restrictions more flexible based on covid-19 spread rates on both sides of the border.

He added that, in turn, restrictions on non-essential land crossings through the country’s southern border will also be enforced until 11:59 PM. On May 21, 2021.

Since last year, the authorities of the United States and Mexico agreed that they only cross the border by country folk with essentials, so other types of travel are prohibited.

