Mexican actress Lucía Guilmáin loses her life at the age of 83

The famous Mexican film actress Lucia Guilmáin who worked on soap operas such as Vivo por Elena, ¡Amigos X Siempre !, Aventuras en el Tiempo y Misión SOS din păcate he lost his life today at 83 years old.

Lucía Guilmáin lost her life today at the age of 83, as revealed by Óscar Ortiz de Pinedo, her nephew actress, who shared the news through his social networks.

In addition, actress Victoria Ruffo shared her feelings through social networks, confirming the terrible event.

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Today, my aunt, the first actress Lucia Guilmain, left the earthly plan. My condolences to my cousin Raul Orvañanos, his grandchildren, Raúl and Caro. His daughter-in-law, Caro and his brothers, Juan, Mona and my mother … I rested the great Lucia Guilmain in peace “, he mentioned.

Lucía Guilmáin was the first Mexican actress of who, theater and television, which began its artistic career in the 1960s, was the daughter of the first actress Ofelia Guilmáin and the sister of actors Juan Ferrara and Esther Guilmáin.

The beautiful actress worked TV series such as Vivo por Elena, ¡Amigos X Siempre !, Adventures in Time, SOS Mission, Wild Heart and The Hotel of Secrets, among others.

Also, the actress will deal with soap operas and last year she participated in the play La Casa by Bernarda Alba for the performance of which she was awarded.

In 2012, she participated in the soap opera A Refuge for Love with the role of Brigida, an evil housekeeper who makes life impossible for Luciana, a role played by Zuria Vega.

This is how the world of entertainment is repainted in mourning with the loss of actress Lucía Guilmáin, daughter of Ofelia Guilmáin and sister of Juan Ferrara.

Mexican actress Lucía Guilmáin always told herself that she was not going to play characters that her beloved mother, Doña Ofelia Guilmáin, would have played, but her professional life made her change her mind.

I always ask for “an autograph from Ophelia Guilmáin’s daughter”, “a photo with Ophelia Guilmáin’s daughter”. I have been working for years and winning awards for best theater; They awarded me for “Mother’s Courage”, nominated me for “Elektra” and I’m still a daughter … “, although she said she didn’t care.

His mother, Ofelia Puerta Guilmáin, was a Mexican actress of Spanish origin, who stood out on television, film and theater, belonging to the so-called Golden Age of Mexican cinema.

He is part of the large group of Spanish artists and intellectuals who went into exile in Mexico after the Spanish Civil War, where he lost a brother and a sister.

She married Lucilo Gutiérrez in 1941 and had four children, after her divorce she married Eduardo Flores de Meza, but this relationship ended in divorce.

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She was friends with actor José Galvez and muralist David Alfaro Siqueiros. From 1941 he worked for many years in Mexican cinema, under the guidance of Luis Buñuel, among other directors.

In 1952 he obtained Mexican citizenship and in the last decades of his life he dedicated himself to theater, while on television he participated in a variety of epic soap operas, such as “Antorcha Encendida”.

He had four children, three of whom are actors: Juan Ferrara, Lucía and Esther Guilmáin, his grandchildren, Juan Carlos Bonet and Mauricio Bonet, sons of Juan Ferrara, as well as Oscar Ortiz de Pinedo and Pedro Ortiz de Pinedo, sons of Esther Guilmáin and by producer and actor Jorge Ortiz de Pinedo.
