Messi’s future is revealed: the language he learns with Antonela Rocuzzo and children – Ten

A Lionel Messi you have a few more months to complete your contract with him FC Barcelona, the club of his loves.

The news continues about the future of the Argentine star, who ended his relationship with the club culé in June, indeed, he can now negotiate freely with any team.

Now clubs like Manchester City PSG and even the United States league, sounded like possible destinations for MESS.

See: Barcelona’s new classic uniform against Real Madrid

The latest news is that Leo is already learning something new language with his children and his wife, Antonela Rocuzzo. It’s about French.

This news comes a few days after the sporting director of PSG, Leonardo, will publicly confirm that there is interest in signing MESS.

“The players like it MESS will always be on the list PSG“Leonardo showed about France Football.

Likewise, Leandro Paredes, partner of MESS In the Argentine national team and the PSG footballer, he talked about his possible signing in France.

“It depends on him if he wants to come, because he does PSG trying to convince MESS“Paredes said in an interview with El Corriere dello Sport.

Messi, in French lessons

According to the statements of these two members of the club PSG, yesterday, the journalist from Canal + France Geoffroy Garétier, told the Gala television network that Leo has already started studying a new one language, el French.

Messi and his family are already learning French. Will the Argentine sign for PSG?

MESS and all his family, wife, and children learn French“, he showed.

“Why you will learn French if he signs for Manchester City? It does not make sense. This information, which I trust a lot, is a very reliable source “, added Garétier MESS, who intends to sign with him PSG in June.
