Messi and Barcelona to sue after publication of “private document”

BARCELONA – The newspaper El Mundo del Siglo XXI published in this Sunday’s edition an exclusive information, providing documentary evidence that supports the mentioned information, according to which the last contract that Lionel Messi signed with Barcelona meant to the Barça club a payment of 555 million euros until in June 2021, always counting, yes, that a number of variables were met that were not always reached.

The publication of the news provoked both Barcelona’s reaction, distancing itself from any responsibility in its appearance and announcing that it will take legal action against the newspaper, as it is an “exclusively private document governed by the principle of confidentiality between the parties” and to understand that its publication can caused damage, as well as the Argentine footballer’s own environment, confirming ESPN Deportes that his lawyers are already working on a lawsuit against El Mundo for publishing the contract, studying the involvement of those inside the club who had access to the contract and could have escape.

Sources in Barcelona “categorically” denied that the leak could have occurred even from the club, warning that the contract is also in the hands of LaLiga, the tax agency and the law firm that once processed the bureaufax he sent requesting leaving the player.

The extensive report, from which no assessment was made from Messi’s environment, specifies all the amounts that will be paid by the club between the 2017-18 and 2020-21 seasons, both in terms of fixed and variable salaries. the employment contract as in the image contract and whose total amounts amount to 555 million 237 thousand 619 euros gross, which in net amounts would represent an income for Leo, is also shown in the information, of approximately 297 million euros.

The contract, in terms of remuneration, begins by revealing that Messi has a fixed annual salary of 61 million 328 thousand 520 euros gross under the concept of “salary, tab, bonuses per game won, allowances, compensation for private travel and seniority” and states various variables in terms of the number of games played (exceeding 60% of the total team), the titles won or the stages of the Champions League promoted, as well as the individual prizes.

To these over 61.3 million euros from the employment contract, is added another 10 million 822 thousand 680 euros per season for the same concepts from the image contract, which totals 43 million 290 thousand 720 euros.


If the newspaper’s publication highlighted the considerable economic impact it has on the concept of spending for Barça, citing the over 555 million euros at a particularly delicate time due to the pharaonic debt that the club incurs, revenues are not taken into account. which generates the membership of Messi, which can be discovered through the many advertising contracts that the entity obtains thanks to the Argentine footballer.

This explains both the 55 million euro contract signed in 2017 by the Japanese multinational Rakuten as the main sponsor of the club, which alludes to the position of Leo … and the renewal for one year signed in 2020 (until 2022) of whose decrease in number is understood by the incidence of the covid and also by the uncertainty of the player’s future.

“Messi is the fundamental part of Barça’s atypical income. I analyze how much money he generates for the club and the figure is between 250 and 300 million euros a year. If his gross salary is 140, at least Barça receives 100 million euros. benefit “revealed in a conversation with EFE agency Marc Ciria, financial advisor and partner of Diagonal Inversiones.

“When you sell the Barcelona brand all over the world, you put your face on Messi. Under these conditions, no brand would dare to renew itself for another three or four years, because it is not known what the value of the club will be without this player,” he said. Ciria, adding that 40% of the spectators who go to the Camp Nou on the day of the match “are national and international tourists, who contribute a lot of money to the club and come to see Messi’s Barça”.

The amount of contracts Rakuten (55 million until the last renewal), Nike (105 million fixed per season), Konami (20) and Beko (19 ending this year) have earned Barcelona about 200 million euros per year. recalls the financier who has in Leo Messi the main protagonist.
