Menu and recommendations: Healthy eating for people living with HIV / AIDS Kitchen | Magazine

De Lcda. Yaira L Doylet R. (MsC Public Health)

Alternate member of the Association of Nutritionists of Guayas ANUG

Mobile phone: 0983809255. Email: [email protected]

The World Health Organization, as a global health reference body, indicates that this disease continues to be one of the biggest problems for world public health, it has already claimed almost 33 million lives. However, with increasing access to effective HIV prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and care, including opportunistic infections, HIV infection has become a bearable chronic health problem that allows people to live with the virus to live long and healthy lives.

It was estimated that by the end of 2019, there were 38 million people living with HIV. As a result of concerted international efforts to respond to HIV, service coverage has steadily increased. In 2019, 68 %% of adults and 53% of children with HIV received antiretroviral therapy (ART) for life.

These people always have a weight loss of more than 2 kg.

People with HIV should be guided for nutritional care, taking into account the recommendation criteria of adults and children.

Does a healthy diet improve your immune system and quality of life?

Of course, changing your eating habits can be achieved, as they say: “wanting is power”, at first it is a little difficult until it adapts to change, but it is not impossible.

Food aspects or references

  • Six small meals a day.
  • Properly combine foods with high biological value are of animal origin, preferably eggs as a complete protein and those of vegetable origin all soybeans, lentils, beans, chickpeas, all kinds of beans from black, red, yellow, white; each is a high-protein nutritional content that will help boost the immune system and increase the level of defense along with vegetables, greens and fruits of different colors and their differences in the content of vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and water. , important to stay healthy.
  • Bring food that doesn’t spoil easily when you leave home.
  • Do light exercises before eating.

Menu for people with HIV / AIDS


  • 1 cup soy milk mixed with oats and bananas,
  • 1 omelette sandwich with spinach


  • 1 serving of pineapple,
  • 1 serving of prunes


  • 1 serving of onion, tomato and avocado salad,
  • 1 tz of rice,
  • 1 serving of grilled fish

In the middle of the afternoon

  • 1 serving melon
  • 1 serving of pears


  • 1 serving of radish salad with cucumber and spinach
  • 1 tz brown rice preferably
  • 1 serving grilled chicken. (F)
