Melissa Klug after catching COVID-19: “Your body hurts as if a truck passed you” | nndc | BOCONVIP

Businesswoman and model Melissa Klug confirmed that she was infected with coronavirus and that was the reason for her absence at the 2021 general election last Sunday. She is now isolated at home, recovering from her illness.

In a recent interview with The Trome Journal, the mother of Jefferson Farfán’s children gave details about her health and stressed that her saturation remains stable, despite complications with asthma.

I caught Covid-19, I’m in bed, but thank God I’m getting better(I was) eight days. I’m isolated in my house. “La Chama” and “Mandi” (her friends) take care of me, they are my little angels “, Klug pointed out.

“My grandmother lives on a street near my house and my children are well, thank God they were not infected. As soon as I had symptoms, I did the molecular test and locked myself in my room “, added the popular “Blanca de Chucuito”.

Likewise, Melissa Klug revealed that a doctor follows her daily to monitor her health. As for the symptoms, he said he had body aches and pains, but that due to the rapid detection of the disease he managed to treat it in time.

I have a doctor who checks me daily, she is the mother of Jeremy’s (her son’s) friend from “school”, a cape. It helps me very much … I checked quickly and took the medications that were sent to me. I didn’t have a fever either, I just had a headache and it was complicated by asthma. Your body hurts like a truck passed you. I have already taken all the exams and I have done well, there is little time left to be discharged with God’s blessing, he specified.


Melissa Klug about Jefferson Farfán’s return to Alianza Lima

Melissa Klug after Jefferson Farfán joined AL:
Melissa Klug after Jefferson Farfán joined AL: “He will share much more time with his children” (VIDEO)
