Meghan says Archie’s title was not “the right to take from the royal family”

In Sunday night’s interview with Oprah Winfrey, Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, said the royal family decided not to give them a title son of Archie. She said she was never given a reason to “be the first black member of this family [was] not being named the same as other grandchildren, “he said conversations at about the same time about “how dark” Archie’s skin would be.

Meghan cited a “convention” according to which the monarch’s grandchildren are named prince or princess. According to the protocol established by King George V in 1917, the children and grandchildren of a sovereign are automatically entitled to the title of HRH, or His Royal Highness, and to the title of prince or princess. This extension does not apply to the great-grandchildren of a monarch, although Queen Elizabeth made an exception by giving the titles of William’s children because they are directly in line of succession.

When Archie, Harry and Meghan were born announced his name as Archie Mountbatten-Windsor, the first name used by the royal family. But, as Meghan pointed out in the interview, Archie and The little girl she’s looking forward to this summer she would have the right to become a prince and princess when Harry’s father, Prince Charles, becomes king.

“Even with this convention I’m talking about – while I was pregnant, they said they wanted to change the convention for Archie. Well, why?” Meghan said. She said she was never given an answer.

While Charles never spoke specifically about Harry and Archie’s titles, the Daily Mail reported in 2019 that Charles wanted to reduce the number of family members with royal titles, especially after scandal because of Prince Andrew connection with pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Former Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn also said in 2019 that there was “the issue of family size and everything I do, but I think the general public would like to see this kind of change and the debate over Prince Andrei’s behavior actually brought this in the foreground. “

But at the time, it was reported that Charles wanted to keep titles for his sons, wives, and children. In the line of succession after Queen Elizabeth II, Charles is first, William is second, and the children of William, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis are third, fourth, and fifth. William’s younger brother, Harry, is now sixth in line for the throne, Archie is seventh, and Harry and Meghan’s little girl will be eighth.

Apart from William’s three children, Queen Elizabeth’s other five great-grandchildren have no titles, although it is unclear whether this is their choice. For example, Princess Anne and her ex-husband have chosen not to give titles to their children, and none of Anne’s grandchildren have titles.

When Harry’s parents divorced, Diana’s mother lost the proper use of HRH and was given the title of courtesy of Diana, Princess of Wales. When Harry and Meghan separated from the royal family – after Archie’s birth – they agreed to give up HRH and their titles. But Harry is still a prince, and the couple also hold the titles of Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

Meghan told Oprah that Archie’s title was not her or Harry’s “decision to make”, but rather “this is their birthright and then making a choice.”

Meghan said the conversation they had with palace officials about the level of security they will receive is also about whether or not Archie will be a prince. She said she really cared about security – not royal status.

“All the greatness that surrounds these things is an attachment that I don’t have personally,” she said. “I’ve been a waitress, an actress, a princess, a duchess, I’ve always been Meghan. So for me, I’m clear on who I’m independent of and the most important title I’ll ever have is my mother. I know that. But the idea that our son is not safe and also the idea that the first black member of this family is not named in the same way as other grandchildren. ”

Meghan said they were not asked to take the traditional photo in front of the hospital after Archie was born because he was not a prince.

Around the same time, when she was still pregnant, she said there were conversations in the royal family about “how dark” Archie’s skin would be.

“In the months I was pregnant, at the same time, so we have in tandem the conversation about which he will not be assured, he will not be given a title and also worries and conversations about how dark his skin is. it could be when she is born, “Meghan said.

“What the?” Oprah asked. “Who’s having a conversation with you? What?”

“There were several conversations,” Meghan said, adding, “with Harry.”

Meghan did not say who had the conversation, noting that “it would be very harmful to them.” He said it was sent to Harry.

“It was very difficult to see them as compartmentalized conversations,” she said.

Harry said it wasn’t a conversation he ever wanted to talk about. Oprah said she later clarified that it was not his grandmother or grandfather who made the comment.

In addition to the fact that Queen Elizabeth made a special dispensation for William’s children, there have been other changes to the protocol over the years that involve titles and even the line of succession. For example, in 2013, Queen Elizabeth amended the Crown Succession Act to end the system of male birthright, in which a younger son took precedence over an older daughter. Because of this change. Princess Charlotte remains fourth in line for the throne, rather than her younger brother to relocate her.
