Meghan Markle’s famous friends express their support against the aggression claims

Meghan Markle’s friends on list A support each other while facing requests for intimidation from royal assistants.

In an unprecedented move, Buckingham Palace announced earlier this week that it would launch an investigation into allegations against the Duchess of Sussex, but Markle called the reports against her and Prince Harry “a calculated smear campaign based on misleading and harmful misinformation.” ”. before their interview with Oprah Winfrey.

Markle’s famous friends seem to agree, while Gabrielle Union, Chance the Rapper, Halle Berry and others showed up to defend the 39-year-old former “Suits” star on social media.

“Those British newspapers really can’t tolerate Prince Harry loving a woman of color. He was right to leave. I don’t even think it was a difficult decision. They will never stop trying to tear Meghan apart. It’s absolutely grotesque. ” wrote on Twitter Roxane Gay.

“And for his family to question that decision and do all these passive aggressive things to try to get ahead of Oprah’s interview,” Gay continued. “To punish him for protecting his wife and babies. Smh. It’s a shame. I know I’m fine, but I still feel for them.

Union, 48, redistributed Gay’s messages as well posted on Twitter a “Sure, Jan” GIF from “The Brady Bunch,” along with a Times of London report claiming that Markle faced a complaint of aggression from one of her “closest advisers” at Kensington Palace.

The chance that the rapper also influenced the flow of titles about the royal couple, who now live in California.

“Do you find yourself upset like the IAD every time I talk sideways about Duchess Meghan?” wrote on Twitter.

Berry, who rarely sends a tweet, sent a rare message, written“It still protects black women.”

The story of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle with Oprah Winfrey airs on Sunday.
The story of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle with Oprah Winfrey airs on Sunday.

On Thursday, Lindsay Roth, Markle’s college best friend, took to Instagram to say, “Meg’s MO has always been kind; benevolence flows in his bones … ”

Jameela Jamil also threw reports on Markle’s alleged assaults and highlighted the suspicious moment of the drama.

“It simply came to our notice then. The palace was fine with all of Meghan’s “aggressions” for years and years until a few days before she feared she would be able to bring them out in public, “Jamil he said on Twitter Thursday.

Fans will hear part of Markle and Prince Harry’s story in their long-awaited two-hour interview with Winfrey on Sunday. In a conversation trailer, Markle claimed that the royal family was “perpetuating fakes” against her and Harry.

“I don’t know how one would expect us to remain silent after all this time, if there’s an active role the company plays in perpetuating the fakes about us,” says Markle, using a nickname for kings apparently from King George of VI.

“And if this comes with the risk of losing things,” she adds, “there are many that have already been lost.”
