Meghan Markle will not be accompanying Prince Harry to the UK this summer

Any family member hoping for a happy family reunion and reconnecting with baby Archie this summer will be very disappointed.

Although Prince Harry is expected to attend Prince Philip’s 100th anniversary celebrations and colored troops in June, as well as the long-awaited unveiling of a statue in Diana’s memory at Kensington Palace in July, a new report says his wife Meghan Markle and son Archie will remain in California.

However, it is not because of heavy feelings (which are said to be many). Sources told the Daily Mail that he will not participate for “personal and practical” reasons.

The family is worried that the couple’s involvement in larger events could affect them, according to the newspaper.

“It should be strongly emphasized that there is still an element of uncertainty about this due to the unpredictable situation of COVID, but the understanding is that the duke is more than likely to return alone,” said a source. “This is a personal and practical decision of the couple, but it would certainly help officials navigate in what is probably a rather difficult situation.”

Another source told the newspaper: “Her Majesty said very clearly when they left the UK that Harry and Meghan were still very dear members of their own family and that they would be very welcome to attend family events. That is still true. Basically, however, it comes with the need for a certain diplomacy. There is still a long way to go between Harry and many family members, especially his brother. No one wants to repeat the Commonwealth service. ”

At work last year, Harry and Meghan looked like they were terrified of Prince William and his wife Kate Middleton – the first time the couple had seen each other since Megxit.

This summer will mark the first time Harry has seen his family since early March, but they did not bring Archie with them. The family has not seen the child since he was six months old.

“Harry wants to return for the great birthdays of the queen and Prince Philip,” a third source told Mail. “It simply came to our notice then. If Meghan comes back, the feeling is that she would overshadow the opportunity. People would just watch everyone’s “drama.” Of course she would be welcome, but a decision not to come would delay the headache for at least a while. ”

Harry is expected to stay at Frogmore Cottage in Windsor, the house he and Meghan decided to keep as a British base.
