Meghan Markle left the Palace “bewildered” by the remarks of the name change

Meghan Markle left Buckingham Palace officials “confused” by her statement, saying they forced her to change her name on Archie’s birth certificate, it says on page six.

Shortly after her 2018 wedding to Prince Harry, Markle – who was born Rachel Meghan Markle – officially changed her name to Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, we confirmed.

It is believed that this name is now on her passport and on all official documents, as officially requested by the King of Arms and Senior Herald of England.

It was the Queen who offered Sussex their marriage titles.

But after Archie was born at Portland Private Hospital in London on May 6, 2019, his mother’s name was registered as “Rachel Meghan, Her Royal Highness, Duchess of Sussex”. It was later amended in “Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Sussex” in June.

Meghan Markle, seen here in September 2019, is known as the Duchess of Sussex on her son Archie's birth certificate.
Meghan Markle is seen here in September 2019 with her husband, Prince Harry and their son, Archie.
Getty Images

After the story reached the headlines in recent days, Sussex representatives released a statement on Sunday stating: “The name change on public documents in 2019 was dictated by the Palace, confirmed by documents of senior Palace officials. This was not requested by Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, nor by the Duke of Sussex. ”

It was claimed that the story was an attempt to break up a “calculated family”, adding: “A lot is happening in the world; let’s focus on that, rather than create a clickbait. ”

However, a well-placed source told us: “This is totally mind-boggling. The palace did not dictate anything, this change was made by the staff of their former office at Kensington Palace, and the elevations at Buckingham Palace were always kept up to date. ”

Another source confirmed that the Palace had nothing to do with it, adding: “The birth certificate was changed by the former Office of the Duke and Duchess to ensure consistency in the name and title of the Duchess of Sussex with other private documents.”

Sussex, however, did not demand change, we are told. It is believed to have been carried out by their former staff.

The couple gave up their “superior” royal duties last year and lived alone with Archie on a multi-million dollar estate in Montecito, California.

The representatives had no comment.
