McCarthy to House Republicans: “Stop this shit” and stop infighting

House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy warned members to stop public bickering within the conference if they are to effectively curb the Biden administration and win back the majority in 2022, a convention official told CBS News.

His blunt message to his colleagues during Wednesday’s phone call: “Stop this shit.”

The warning comes because several members within the conference have one attempt to oust the number three House Republican, Representative from Wyoming Liz Cheney, from her position as conference chairman. Cheney voted in favor to blame Then-President Trump angered many Republicans by issuing a statement the day before her vote outlining her position – which was later quoted by several House Democrats during the debate on the floor.

McCarthy had previously warned his members to each other after Riots of January 6 in the Capitol because it could potentially endanger their colleagues.

The assistant said McCarthy’s frustration was heard during the call and his message was even stronger. McCarthy also said that warfare within the party stood in the way of the GOP and focused on policy initiatives and countering the new president.

Kevin McCarthy
House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy seen December 19, 2019.

SAUL LOEB / AFP via Getty Images
