Martín Fuentes talks about the medical experience he had

Always be aware of keeping your followers up to date on the networks Martin Fuentes shared his recent medical experience when he went to a hospital in Miami a few days ago to treat an earache that appeared after spending time underwater looking for a cell phone. who enjoyed an afternoon of skiing. Although she tried to fix the situation on her own without success, her husband Jacky Bracamontes He decided to put himself in the hands of professionals, confident that they would help him solve the problem. However, things did not go as expected, when he was injured during the procedure, -for what he initially thought had been in the eardrum-, although, fortunately, after a second medical examination, it was revealed that he was pure. and simply the auditory canal.

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Through a live broadcast on Instagram, the driver of the car told how at first he tried to deal with the upset, which was postponed for a few hours, so in the end he had to make a firm decision. “My ear hurt, it felt like water. I put all the things in the pharmacy, I took drops, I made a foam and then I put all the things and it started to hurt more. At night, well, I already fell asleep at 3 in the morning, at 4 in the morning, I get up, I put that little foam thing back on to wash myself and nothing else hurt …“Martín assured him, visibly calm and taking everything calmly, as can be seen in the first minutes of the video that he later decided to publish on his profile.

Given the situation, Fuentes did not hesitate for another minute and went to the doctor, where he assures that he did not receive the care he would have expected. “I said, ‘I’m going in the car and I’m going to the hospital.’ Mount Sinai and a “bright” doctor … starts cleaning me and says, “Yeah, your ear is covered, did you try to wash it with those things from the pharmacy?” He began to wash it, put hydrogen peroxide and with a Q-type (hyssop), my eardrum breaks, my ear starts to bleed, it hurts a lot. Automatically, when I half heard, I could already hear well, I couldn’t hear anything anymore … “, he said, visibly annoyed when he remembered some of what happened last weekend.

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After the incident, Martín expressed his discomfort to the doctor, who decided to put everything in the hands of another specialist, although because of this his visit to the hospital lasted several hours. “I say (to the doctor), ‘I can’t hear, I’m going back to how I was before.’ He says, “There’s some blood, let me call my supervisor.” To summarize a long story, the emergency chief arrives at 7 in the morning-, I arrived at 4:30 – 7 in the morning this guy tells me:I think I punctured your eardrum …”. Of course, these words provoked his immediate anger. “I certainly left there very angry … I already left there, I came here to the house … I was really worried … these are the bad doctors … this was the summary …”, he said the.

The new diagnosis

After this situation, Martín went to another specialist, who, after performing a thorough analysis, discovered that, fortunately, the eardrum was not perforated as he thought, but rather had suffered an injury to the ear canal. “After seeing the ear specialist, he cleaned my blood, he saw that my ear was bleeding, he cleaned the sand and checked me, he told me that the eardrum is scratched, but it is in good condition … The one who tried to clean me, what he did is make a hole in my ear canal, which is before the eardrum, he cut me and obviously I have a bruise, a week and I am ready to return to normal life, ie , very happy … “, he added.

During that clip in which he recounted the incident, Martín also talked about another of his injuries, now in the elbow, after suffering a misfortune in one of the games they temporarily installed in the garden of the house. “I put on a slide, an inflatable one that I had… and when I come out very hard I slip and fall here (on a rock), but with my elbow, and I take out a bag called a purse and it gave me a bursary. I bring my elbow as if it were filled with water there, but that disappears quickly … “, he said.

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