Martha Higareda confesses that the show helped her in intimacy

During this week’s podcast Out of all the crowd, Martha Higareda the confess a Yordi Pink that intimacy with their partners benefited from their work actress.

In accordance with interpreters, knowing how to get into character is an art that, once cultivated, allows professionals to be different, even in fantasies sexual.

When you have a partner, for example, it’s a lot of fun, because you can go into the character and stay with that character, and your partner is like he went with four.

When the driver asked Higareda if he had enjoyed a partner Specifically about this type of situation, the actress did not want to answer and put an end to the problem.

The biggest embarrassment of the holiday

During the show, Martha He also said that during a vacation in beach entered the sea. Before that, he continued, I will tie the top of a bikini to avoid any kind of accident.

Suddenly I see in the distance some people who recognize me and you have something I have to look sexy about.

After that, he said, he was having fun inside current, until in later moments it was swept away by several waves without being able to control it.

The first one that Martha was to check if the top of bikini it was in his place. When he realized that there was no problem, he continued to move forward; However, it was only a few minutes before he realized that the bottom of his swimsuit had detached.

“You don’t know the shame he gave me”

