Maribel Guardia plays the role of MEME of the moment; the new image of the famous chocolate

If it’s not for her beauty and attractive figure, it’s for her age and incredible physical condition where you are, but always Paza Maribel day to talk about and is at the center of the conversation show.

Now the famous singer, actress, model Yes conductive is the protagonist, again of a new one me me this has become a trend.

It is a montage with a photo of Maribel in traditional packaging chocolate grandmother, which brings to the picture a tender old woman, but in her place was placed guardian.

The joke is around the age of the famous San José born, Costa Rica, which in this 2021 will reach no more and no less than 62 years, which is why it is considered in seniors.

Here we leave you MEME of ethics:

Vaccination Meme

Just a week ago Paza Maribel also played in another meme, but related vaccination of older adults from Mexico City.

In the picture you can see singer Yes actress formed in a row of elders, but yes, she showing a statuary figure and without losing her glamor:

