María Levy is natural on Instagram

Mary Levy started again on social networks and is that the daughter of the late actress Mariana He has uploaded some images on his social networks, where he is completely naked for a photographer’s lens.

Although it is not the first time that Talina Fernández’s model and niece show how God brought her into the world, she left a message of pride and empowerment on her Instagram account, accepting that she was always full of complexes and insecurities, but that slowly with slowly they disappear.

“I never talk about myself, but today I do it and go to chili … I want to make this post for a while. It scared me, but every time I feel stronger and therefore with the great responsibility to share a bit of my process, “he wrote.


Furthermore, he wrote about the struggle he made not to be compared to other people and that, no matter what she looked like, she was never satisfied and always unhappy.

“Today I feel better. Here I am, little by little. I am learning to honor who I am. I am learning to love my stretch marks, scars, cellulite, belly, my fish. I am learning to love my soul, my being and what transcends the senses. ???

“There? I’m going, little by little. Is it a process that goes beyond? Physical and has a lot of patience, understanding and pampering,” he said in the post.
The daughter, also of the actor Ariel López Padilla, in these images showed her change when she stopped contracting her stomach, as many models do to look “perfect” in front of the lens and people. With this and, although the difference is minimal, María made it clear that the process she is going through has changed, creating a more natural beauty and expressing herself from reality.

“Networks get us used to seeing the best version of people. We aspire to non-existent realities that lead us to a cycle of negativity and constant punishment for ourselves,” he said.

And, unlike the other occasions when the artist, as she is called, undressed, on this occasion and due to her confession, she is honest in making sure that she is no longer posed, edited and more real and relaxed.

Finally, he sent advice to his 326,000 followers to love each other deeply, so that he accepts his body as it is and lives the processes and paths he must carry out and undertake, so that change is one of deep and personal love.

The reactions to this confession were acceptance, celebration and even one or another reflection and that they feel that Mary is an example for all those who continue to live something that is not real following the parameters of what networks and society consider “good”.


  • Mary Levy
  • Mariana Levy
  • Instagram
  • Social networks
