Margarita reveals that she has anxiety and depression

In an interview for the program “Ventaneando”, MargaritaThe goddess of Cumbia“reveals that you have anxiety and depression. The 60-year-old singer shares her experience when faced with these conditions in this quarantine.

“I have anxiety and depression and I treat them with a wonderful psychiatrist from Mérida. We artists are hypersensitive, we are 100 or a thousand times more sensitive than anyone working in another field.”Margarita began to speak.

The singer gives the details.

“It’s very easy to get depressed, sad and cry, but I’ve always given myself permission to do things. At this moment I am answer for a psychiatrist they don’t know how wonderful it is to feel good “Singer “Escándalo”, “Mi bom bon” and “Nobody knows my suffering” were added, among other successes.

It is already followed.

Despite the fact that she was the victim of her own emotions, Margarita has all the attitude to go hand in hand with a professional. In addition, the singer will give a streaming concert on Friday, January 1, 2021, so she is happy to start the year with her right foot.

He has everything to move on.
