Marcelo Pereira left Yankel directly at the hospital: “God always controls everything” – Ten

Marcelo Pereira, after Motagua will win 0-1 at Marathon for the next day of Closing of 2021 to Yankel Rosenthal, went straight to the hospital.

The central defender of Motagua He alerted fans of the capital’s team after he posted a photo on their social networks where he appears on a stretcher in a hospital in Sampedrano.

For his part, “Chelo” reassured Motagüenses with his message. “Everything is fine, so we’re leaving. God is always in control of everything,” the defender wrote.

The image and text that accompanied Mracelo Pereira’s photo.

It was being examined

The reality of the moment that Marcelo Pereira It happened because he got dizzy once the game was over, the product of a strong blow he suffered in the first part of the game against Marathon.

The football player from Motagua He was under observation after dizziness, but fortunately the tests did not detect anything out of the ordinary, so it was just a scare after the triumph in Yankel Rosenthal.

It must be remembered that Luis Garrido, volan al MarathonHe also left Sampedrano Stadium for a private clinic because he complained of severe chest pain. However, what he suffered was a broken rib, which will keep him away from the courts for at least two months.
