Marc Wilmore, screenwriter of The Simpsons, died of covid-19

Mexico City /

Marc Wilmore, screenwriter al The Simpson family, died on the night of Sunday, January 31st after a series of complications in his fight against coronavirus covid-19 that he suffered. This was reported by his brother Larry Wilmore on his Twitter account, where he explained the subject of the disease and dedicated a heartfelt message to the writer.

“My sweet, sweet brother, Marc Edward Wilmore, died tonight. while you are struggling with COVID and other conditions that have caused you pain for many years“It simply came to our notice then.

Marc Wilmore worked as a screenwriter on the show Life in Color in the 1990s. He also made several additions to famous people in the show in the United States until he became part of the yellow world of family scenarios.

Wilmore joined the team for season 13 of The Simpsons where he became executive producer. He also wrote screenplays for host Jay Leno’s television show.

