Marc Anthony fails after the streaming platform crashes

What Marc Anthony promised as an unforgettable night ended as an endless wait for his fans after the “streaming” platform used for his long-awaited virtual concert collapsed.

The failure of the show generated a wave of memes and comments of all kinds, including insults, teasing, jokes …

After midnight salsero Marc Anthony issued a statement, in their social networks, where he apologized to the audience who could not enjoy his first virtual concert “Tonight”.

“First of all, I want to thank from the bottom of my heart the unprecedented number of fans from all over the world who signed up to see my” Tonight “concert and couldn’t attend it because of the overwhelming process that caused the total collapse of the sttreaming platform, exposed the.

The writing adds: “I am very sorry for the failure of this technology, which is completely out of my control. You can be sure that I will not rest and we will do our best to give the opportunity to all the people who with so much effort bought their tickets for I can see the concert as soon as possible and that they can enjoy it ”.

The inconvenience left fans upset and disappointed after technical problems prevented the event from starting. Memes on social networks did not wait.

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The concert was scheduled to begin on Saturday, April 17 at 20:00, and was sold as “the first and only live digital concert in the world.” However, fans waited more than four hours without knowing what would happen.

At 8:33 at night, an announcement about the delay and the problems they faced with the digital platform was published on the artist’s Twitter account, seen by Listín Diario.

“Good night! The concert hasn’t started yet. The Maestro platform has problems. We appreciate your patience and the show will start in a few minutes. The team is working as soon as possible. @Loudliveinc,” the artist said in a tweet that was later deleted.

As time went on, more and more followers of the artist protested on social media for the delay, until Marc Anthony became a trend on Twitter.

“If I were Marc Anthony’s crisis counselor, I would cancel the concert, I would make a public apology, I would force the businessmen to return the money from the tickets, I would sue the businessmen for reputational damages and the week next time I will give a free concert on YouTube “Jimmy Montes commented on Twitter.

Many users used the words “I feel torn” or “I get my money back.”

Another user wrote, “Millions of Latin Americans are left with a bitter taste.”

The “One Night” concert, which was to be streamed live from Miami, generally cost $ 40 per e-ticket.
