Maradona’s legacy is distributed in accounts in Mexico, Switzerland and Dubai

After the idol’s death, on November 25, at the age of 60, after suffering a cardiorespiratory arrest, the process of defining the inheritance of his fortune opens.

Inheritance Diego Armando Maradona, of which the exact amount is not known, it is enough for the heirs, their five recognized children, to live “all their lives without working”, he said in an interview with Efe lawyer Mauricio D’Alessandro.

D’Alessandro, who represents Matías Morla, a lawyer and close friend of “Pelusa”, said that the first instance of the legacy will be the distribution of money, which is deposited in accounts in Dubai, Mexico and Switzerland “ready to withdraw”, and which they will be able to access once they have the “declaration of heirs”, a process that does not last more than 90 days.

“The money is available in accounts in Switzerland, Dubai and Mexico ready to be withdrawn. That quickly takes 90 days to obtain the declaration of heirs and to formally say who inherits it and succeeds Diego. to live all each of the heirs lives without working “, said the lawyer.


After the idol’s death, on November 25, at the age of 60, after suffering a cardiorespiratory arrest, the process of defining the inheritance of his fortune opens.

In total, Maradona recognized five children: two of them, Dalma and Gianinna, the result of his marriage to Claudia Villafañe; Diego junior, who had it with the Italian Cristiana Sinagra during his time as a player in Naples; Jana, daughter of Valeria Sabalain; and Diego Fernando, who was born in 2013 as a result of his relationship with Verónica Ojeda.

But there are several that need to be recognized and that could expand the list of heirs if the filiation proceedings continue.

The distribution and management of the star’s assets will be difficult, as they still need to be accurately quantified and inventoried, while new ones continue to emerge, such as the house in Havana where he lived for four years to rehabilitate his cocaine addiction. and which Fidel Castro gave him.

This property was unknown to his inner circle until there was a phone call between Tony, one of Castro’s sons, and Morla.

“In the last days of the year, one of Fidel Castro’s sons called to remind Matías (Morla) that the house in the prairie where Maradona spent 4 years of his life belongs to him, because Fidel Castro solved it that way.” , the lawyer pointed out. , who added that the house is an austere property and that its main value lies in the assets that the former footballer left in it.

It is now necessary to record the objects found in the attic of this house to know their specific value, but for D’Alessandro it can reach 3 million dollars.

“That property was immaculate just as Diego had left it with his shrines. Diego loved to make shrines, where he lived, put pictures of his parents, candles … he was a fetish in this regard and there is a bridge with a lot of objects that he accumulated during his stay: personal letters from the world leaders who wrote it, photos with each of the visits and objects: T-shirts, balls, trophies … everything he accumulated in Cuba remained there “he added.

There are also other personal traces, such as messages on the walls, because “the house is completely painted because Diego got up in a good mood and had a spray and painted. ‘Fidel I love you’ is one of the graffiti from the house” .

According to the lawyer, the place could be activated as a museum, although this will depend on the initiative of the heirs.

“It can certainly become a museum and, as a museum, it can have an entrance. Who will go to Havana and not want to see the house where Maradona lived?”

Among the most valuable things were “the letters he sent to Fidel Castro at the time and a poem by Maradona that he wrote on a night of great sadness.”

Meanwhile, the property is cared for “by an old sugar cane who has the keys to the house and is the one who controls the income”, as “he considers that house as an instruction from Fidel to take care of it”.


D’Alessandro also referred to the controversy that has arisen since the death of “Pelusa” in his inner circle, mainly his daughters Dalma and Giannina and Morla.

“Matías is deeply hurt by the death of his friend, perhaps one of his best friends. As for the controversy with his daughters, he never had a good relationship, which reflected a bad relationship that Diego had. In recent years, they have not understood each other, Diego has been very upset about issues related to economic talks with his ex-wife, “he said.

Morla “is confident that at some point this will end and everyone will be able to generate what Diego wanted for his family and loved ones, a long meal in which everyone would be together, which Diego does not he managed to do it for many years, even the last parties in Dubai and Spain were not good because there were fights between people who had to get together. “

Morla also appears as the co-owner of one of Maradona’s most important accounts, which allows him to withdraw half of the total, “a millionaire amount”, although he gave up this option and will let the heirs distribute the money.

“The bank called him to tell him that he could extract half of the money, but he decided that he would not do it because he understood that that money was not his money, but that it was Diego’s money, where it was listed at 50% if it happened. something with any of them. What if Matías said he would not keep this money and would allow his heirs to withdraw it, “D’Alessandro concluded.
