Many Britons will not watch Oprah’s interview with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

Maybe it’s a good thing there is a whole continent between Prince Harry, Meghan Markle and the British people.

More than half of all Britons surveyed by The Sun say they would change the channel, rather than watch Oprah’s upcoming interview with the couple, media reported.

The big TV interview is set to hit American airwaves early next month between the once royal couple and the American royalty – Oprah.

But a significant number of Britons say the early settlement is a huge stop.

And Megxit made matters worse, with a third of those surveyed saying their feelings about the couple had dropped since they left the UK and 43 percent wanted the two to have a permanent separation from the royal family.

Only 27% of those surveyed said they wanted to watch Oprah’s meeting with Harry and Meghan.
