Man runs away from police and destroys girlfriend’s Maserati

A man trying to flee the California Highway Patrol smashed his girlfriend’s Maserati-branded SUV after hitting a retaining wall and leaving the vehicle under an Oakland highway bridge, authorities said Tuesday.

“The driver is lucky to be alive. The Maserati owner … wasn’t so lucky, ” the California Highway Patrol (CHP) wrote in a social media post, including photos of the wrecked luxury vehicle.

Police said the 32-year-old driver was speeding on Monday when a police officer tried to stop him.

It accelerated to over 100 miles per hour (100 miles per hour) and then took a turn, swerved around a corner, climbed a retaining wall and ended just below the road, Officer David Arias, a highway spokesman, said Tuesday. CHP in Oakland.

The man, who was traveling alone, complained of pain and was taken to a hospital, Arias said.

“It was a miracle that he was not injured anymore, because the whole area where his head should have been sunk. He must have been leaning over or something, ”he remarked.

Arias said the man is facing reckless evasion.
