Macron: Russia’s presence on the border with Ukraine is “absolutely counterproductive and unacceptable”

French President Emmanuel MacronEmmanuel Jean-Michel Macron Sunday shows preview: Russia, US exchange sanctions; police tensions are rising; vaccination campaign continues Hill’s Morning Report – Presented by Tax March – Biden to Putin: Tough sanctions, Zelensky speaks directly to meet with France, Germany on Russia’s tensions MORE He said in an interview on Sunday that Russia’s increased military presence on the border with Ukraine was “absolutely counterproductive and unacceptable.”

Appearing on CBS’s “Make the Nation,” Macron was asked by host Margaret Brennan how France would react if Russia invaded Ukraine.

“I think the situation is unacceptable. Russia must disqualify. This is clear,” Macron said. “Today’s situation and the level of tension at the border is absolutely counterproductive and unacceptable. We now want a political process that deals with some Ukrainian regions and … for stability and peace for Ukraine and the Ukrainian people.”

Brennan noted that Russia has largely ignored sanctions imposed by other countries and NATO, and Macron himself once criticized NATO as “dead in the brain.”

“I think what happened a few years ago when Ukraine was invaded is not a failure of diplomacy, it is a failure of our collective credibility with Russia,” Macron said. “And I think when we put red lines, we have to make them respected by our people and others. And I think we have to be clear and tough. It was a failure of a naive approach to Russia. I am certainly in in favor of a discussion with Russia, with an open, calm and respectful discussion with Russia. “

Brennan also asked the French president if he believed the recent US sanctions against Russia would make any difference to the Russian president. Vladimir PutinDoctor Vladimir Vladimirovich PutinNavalny says he could “die at any time” on Sunday shows preview: Russia, US change sanctions; police tensions are rising; Russia’s ongoing vaccination campaign blocks key Biden Cabinet officials from retaliating for sanctions MORE. Macron said he felt a multifaceted approach was needed to address the situation on the Ukrainian border.

“I fully share, as well as the desire to [President BidenJoe BidenSuspect in FedEx shooting used two assault rifles he bought legally: police US, China say they are ‘committed’ to cooperating on climate change DC goes to the dogs — Major and Champ, that is MORE] to dialogue and I am sure that President Putin can be ready to have an open dialogue. But if we want a better arms control system, if we want to stabilize a lot of the crises in the world today, we need an open and frank dialogue with Russia, “he said.

“I think we need to define clear red lines with Russia. This is the only way to be credible. I think the sanctions are not enough in themselves, but the sanctions are part of the package,” Macron added.
