Lucía Méndez reveals the terrible deception that Luis Miguel committed against her and for which he could have gone to prison | impartiality

MEXICO CITY.- Lucía Méndez revealed to Yordí Rosado her story with Luis Miguel and commented that she could go to jail for it.

The actress said that “El Sol” knocked on her door in a hotel in Miami and told her that she is very sad because she doesn’t know anything about her mother.

“I went to a festival in Miami and around one o’clock in the morning he came and knocked on the door and I told him what happened? I was in my pajamas and my hair was standing and he was wearing a suit and a bottle in his hand.” . , he showed.


“In order not to make the long story short, he told me many things, but nothing happened, because I saw him as a child, he was 20 and I was 30 and I said no, how lazy. He left completely “.

Lucia says she later started looking and pretending.

“It was very beautiful. He gave me presents and then there came a time when I fell and walked for three months and I felt weird because of my age.”

And, according to the actress, she says that Luis Miguel cheated on her because, in reality, she was 17 years old and not 20, as she had said at the beginning.

“He cheated on me, he cheated on me. Then it ended. Maybe I went to jail for it. And of course there was a lot of attraction like that,” he said.

On the other hand, the singer says that it was an excellent kiss and that “those moments she spent with him are among the best she has ever had”.

Eventually, she remembered that she hadn’t fallen in love with him so much because she felt he was wrong.

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