Lucía Méndez and Luis Miguel, love story: how they met and fell in love despite the age difference | Mexico | FAME

Mexican diva Lucia Mendez he surprised the locals and the foreigners by revealing very intimate details of the sentimental relationship with which he had Luis Miguel. Despite the age difference – more than 15 years – the singers lived a beautiful love story that is still fondly remembered by the actress to this day.

MORE INFORMATION: “When I saw her, I was disappointed,” Lucía Méndez said after meeting Brad Pitt.

But this forbidden relationship, the artist could end up in prison, because “Sol de México” was 17 years old when he met her. It has also been said that Luis Miguel He was the father of his daughter and, no doubt, beyond how precious everything was, it also gave him a headache.

In an interview with Yordi Pink, the Mexican actress Lucia MendezHe remembered the love affair he had with the singer and how he conquered her despite the 10 years of difference.

MORE INFORMATION: Youtuber Rey Grupero stole a kiss from Lucía Méndez and the actress slapped him


Lucia Mendez She was invited to a music festival in Miami and here I met Luis Miguel. From this first meeting, the singer remained attached to the Diva and did not stop until he conquered her.

“I went to a festival in Miami, I sang, and around 1 in the morning the door knocked on me, my hair still. I sang with Raúl Velasco and I don’t remember if he sang too “She remembered the celebrity about the first time El Sol looked for her.

“So I said, ‘Please, I’m falling asleep.’ To shorten a long story, he talked to me and everything, but nothing happened, because I saw him as a child. He told me he was 20 and I was 30, and I said, ‘It’s been 10 years for him, he’s lazy.’ “, said Mendez.

After this first meeting, where there was “no kiss” between the two, the singer began to flow to Lucia: “She started looking for me, calling me, pretending. It was very splendid; He gave me presents, but I didn’t receive any. The one who experienced everything very closely was Pati Padilla, who at that time was my public relations ”.

“There came a time when Luis Miguel was so kind, so beautiful, so attentive, so everything, that I fell. I walked for about 3, 4 months and I felt weird, because it looks like he was 10 years old and it wasn’t like that: he was 17 years old, he cheated on me because he told me he was 20 years old, he showed.

Lucía Méndez alternated with big environmental figures, such as Juan Gabriel and César Costa (Photo: Instagram @luciamendezof)
Lucía Méndez alternated with big environmental figures, such as Juan Gabriel and César Costa (Photo: Instagram @luciamendezof)

But singer I made sure that though “Sun” He was very nice to her, even rated her as a good kiss, said she never allowed herself to feel too much for him, so she was the one who ended that story.

“I didn’t fall in love with him so much because I always thought it wasn’t right, I always had that judgment of saying no, it’s not fair, I can’t fall in love, I shouldn’t be with Luis Miguel and that was what determined me, and I met Pedro and left Micky, and from the most beautiful I became an ugly person, but when I saw that he is more or less of my generation, when I saw that it was his talent, his way of being, his maturity, his sympathy, because logically I left Luis Miguel “, the actress also explained.

On the other hand, Lucia took advantage the meeting with Rosado to reject the rumors that emotionally link her to the footballer Diego Armando Maradona “, Well, although she became attracted to him, it was her relationship with Luis Miguel that prevented her from going beyond a “flirtation” with him. Argentine.

“No, no, no, I didn’t get anywhere, but he was very chic … at 26 he was very handsome, he was 26, I was 30 […] Maradona was very nice, very flirtatious, and I was a little flirtatious … but I was dating Luis Miguel, so I said no, I’m going to fight like that, because even though he was young, he was very young, he had his character, so I said ‘It’s not okay’, there was chemistry, small hand, it was like wow, like yes, but there were too many people, I was nervous that it was known, so I had nothing “, detailed.
